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Origami #1

micro-metrage, 30'

(conception and animation)


An absurd digital paper-based animation 100% recycled

Origami #2

Origami #2

Mauvaise Langue (Spitful Tongue)

micro-metrage, 30'

(conception and animation)


Another absurd digital paper-based animation

Where does the water come from ?

Where does the water come from ?

Agence Régional de Santé

(conception and animation of the Opening)


Opening and end credits made for an educational series about water in Britain comissioned by ARS

The first 3 episodes directed by "les films du masques" available here :


Les P'tites z'histoires de Liz

Les p'tites z'histoires de Liz

FRANCE 3 - 3 mn

(Animation and graphic design)


Conception and animation of the opening for this historical series broadcasted on France 3. Produce by The Video Tap

Maputo Fast Forward Festival

Maputo Fast Forward

Opening and templates

for live and broadcast feed

(motion design)


MAPUTO FAST FORWARD aims to be an open platform dedicated to reflection, debate, presentation of projects and ideas among all those who from the arts to the Technologies, recognize in creativity and innovation the engines of the new “knowledge economy”.


Maputo Fast Forward

Title sequence & logo animation sample

(motion design)


Fair'n Square

Fair'n Square

UNICEF - 3 mn

(conception and animation)


Mozambique, where amazing things are happening for children! Let them tell you their stories, and discover their situation through a short animation film. This film is also adapted for an interacive game available on the Unicef website

La gestion des risques

La gestions des risques (#1)

RTE / Videotap

(Conception and animation)


Technical review in 3 episodes to explain the risk management dedicated to the staff of RTE (Réseau de transport d'électricité)


What's next for Social Protection ?

Social Protection

UNDP / IPC - Video Series



See a series of animated videos presenting the conference's main outcomes, discussions, key topics and lessons learned during the global e-Conference "Turning the COVID-19 crisis into an opportunity: What’s next for social protection?":


SIOAS - Serviço de Informação, Orientação e Acompanhamento Social


UNICEF / HI - 7 mn



SIOAS (in portuguese : Serviço de Informação, Orientação e Acompanhamento Social

3 short movies made to illustrate what is the SIOAS in Mozambique and how it works. This video is a tool dedicated for the SIOAS people.

Common Alerting Protocol

CAP - Common Alerting Protocole


(Conception, design and animation)


The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), is a standard business forum for emergency alerting. CAP is broadly recognized internationally as the key standard for societies to achieve all-hazards, all-media public alerting for emergencies.

Skeleton peut-il jongler ?

Skeleton peut-il jongler ?


(conception and animation)

Is skeleton able to juggle ?

Con le Herisson

Con le herisson

Micro-metrage / screened on Tracks - ARTE

(conception and animation)

Thank for reading the wole credits ...

Training Module for NGO staff

Training Module

Handicap International

(conception and animation)


Short preview from a serie of animation for remote-learning.

As aperencias enganem

Save the Children

(conception & animation)

Campaign against human trafficking and child abuse screened on LED billboard in Mozambique.

Fiesta da musica

Fiesta da musica


(co-animation with V. Caudry)

Ad for TV promoting the music day, done in stop motion. A one night work.

Cultural Center - CCFM

Cultural Center


Motion Design

Le congres des notaires

Le congres de notaires



Opening of the notaries congress in Cannes

Motion design

Mylan laboratories


loop for an openenig new year congress

Motion Design

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